CEM 11 Plus

Birmingham 11+  -  Children's Educational Material 11+ TM

The Birmingham 11+ exams are for entrance in to eight grammar schools, that are not just concerned with academic excellence. Each school offers a wide range of extra curricular activities and pupils have opportunities to participate at all levels in sport, music and drama in addition to their academic education. The schools of the King Edward VI Foundation have now introduced catchment areas. They penalise children because of where they live. The schools do not believe all children are equal and heavily discriminate against children who have not had free school meals at any point in the last 6 years.  They offer pupil premium qualified children much lower scores to gain entry. This means two children living next door to each other, attending the same primary school for six years, in the same class, could be subject to different qualifying scores. A child scoring a high mark may be denied a place and offered to a child that scores much less. Explain this to an innocent child, "Sorry your parents earn too much".  This blatant discrimination provides higher funding to the schools.

Birmingham, Warwickshire, Walsall, Wolverhampton & Shropshire share the same test. The schools use tests from GL Assesment and are not tutor-proof and need to be prepared for. Complete solutions are available using WordBuilder.co.uk and CoolCleverKids.co.uk.



2026 Year 7 Entry for Birmingham Grammar Schools

Registration 6th May 2025 to 27th June 2025 4pm     Reasonable Adjustment deadline 13th June 2025 4pm   Note different dates to Warwickshire.
Test Dates Saturday 13th September, 2025 Morning and Afternoon sessions
Sunday 14th September, 2025 for followers of the Jewish and Seven Heavens faiths (who object to Saturday testing and want to know content from others)
Sharred Test West Midlands Grammar Schools [GL Assessment]
Results 17th October 2025
Test Supplier GLA Tests (GL Assessment)
Weighting is 50% for verbal ability, 25% for numerical ability 25% for non-verbal ability.

The test is made up of two papers, each approximately 60 minutes long (which includes time for instructions and example questions). Each test paper is divided into smaller individual sections that test English Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning, Mathematics and Non-Verbal/Spatial Reasoning. There are no sections of writing within the test – all questions are multiple choice and children record their answers on a separate answer sheet.

Grammar Schools  (King Edward VI Foundation and others)

Birmingham Grammar School PAN (Year 7)
King Edward VI Camp Hill School (boys) 150
King Edward VI Aston (boys) 140
Bishop Vesey's Grammar (boys) 192
Handsworth Grammar School (boys) 150
King Edward VI Five Ways (mixed) 180
King Edward VI Camp Hill School (girls) 150
Sutton Coldfield Grammar School (girls) 180
King Edward VI Handsworth (girls) 192

The 6 Warwickshire Grammar Schools will share the Birmingham Consortium test.

11+ Preparation

Areas tested include English (Vocabulary: synonyms & antonyms; Comprehension; Cloze passages/text; Jumbled sentences); Mathematics including data processing, and Non-verbal reasoning.

There is no evidence any 11+ tests are tutor proof, nor tuition and preparation does not confer an advantage – the opposite is true.

Recommended Preparation Material.

1. English and Verbal Reasoning is covered at WordBuilder.co.uk

  PDF downloads from the shop



a. Ultimate Verbal Reasoning. 1,800 questions.Book 1


b. Ultimate Verbal Reasoning. 800 questions.Book 2 for GL Assessment (Same Missing Letter in Pairs of Words,  Synonym Pairs &  Hidden Words)

c. Ultimate Verbal Reasoning. 741 questions.Book 3 for GL Assessment (Spelling, Punctuation & Conjugation)

d. Common Synonyms and Antonyms for 11+ & KS2 Sats (over 1,000 entries).


e. Common Words With Multiple Meanings for 11+ & KS2 Sats (350 entries).


f. Common Misspelled Words at Year 6 - KS2 & 11+ (over 250 words).


2. Maths is covered at CoolCleverKids.co.uk

PDF downloads from the shop at: Buckinghamshire11plus.co.uk or 11plus.eu

Lesson Notes


a: Ratio and Proportion Unit Method (Lesson Notes).


b: Percentages (simple percentages) Lesson Notes.


c: Percentage Multipliers Lesson Notes.


d: Rules for Multiples of Numbers (Lesson Notes).


3. NVR (Non-verbal Reasoning) is covered at CoolCleverKids.co.uk

Non-verbal Reasoning (NVR) Booklet


Ultimate NVR: over 30 different types of NVR familiarisation questions.


4. Mock Tests: Use Mocks in the Shop

Mock Test (CEM style tests are still useful as content is similar


1. 11+ Progress Mock Pack 1. MF Test A & B. (Use as first test during Year 5).


2. 11+ Progress Mock Pack 2. MF Test A & B. (Use as second test during Year 5).


3. 11+ Progress Mock Pack 3. MF Test A & B. (Use as third test during Year 5).


4. 11+ Practice Mock Test Pack 1. MF Test A & B. Multi-format (MF).


5. 11+ Practice Mock Test Pack 2. MF Test A & B. Multi-format (MF).


6. 11+ Practice Mock Test Pack 3. MF Test A & B. Similar to SWW 2 Jul 13.


7. 11+ Practice Mock Test Pack 4. MF Test A & B. Multi-format (MF). 


8.  Letts GL Assessment Practice Mock Test Pack 1 [4 physical books]. Maths, English, VR & NVR {Click here to purchase with FREE P&P}

9.  Letts GL Assessment Practice Mock Test Pack 2 [4 physical books]. Maths, English, VR & NVR {Click here to purchase with FREE P&P}
 Admissions Unlawful Conduct

We believe the King Edward VI Aston School has unlawfully offered 5 extra places to low scoring, less deserving, pupil premium qualified children, in 2017. Their admissions policy stated a maximum of 30 pupil premium places would be offered.

The school increased their PAN to 140, but their admissions policy did not allow allow an extra 5 places to be awarded to pupil premium children.

The Head and Governors knew this and were informed. They refused to back track and refused to abide by the law and British values of honesty and integrity.

Any child who was not offered a place should appeal and and parents should sue the governors for misfeasence in public office.

Yet again, the dishonesty of the King Edward Foundation is exposed. They should be ashamed of themselves.

The Multi-trust academy has now imposed catchment areas despite parental and many headteacher objections. The schools cannot leave the multi-trust academy.
Tuition Culture & Pupil Premium Discrimination

There is a huge culture of preparation and tuition in Birmingham. Like most tests, those who prepare may significantly improve their chances of success. Not only does the King Edward VI Foundation allow pupil premium children lower marks for admission, it effectively provides free tuition to this group under the guise of an out reach programme. Some people argue this is effectively organised cheating with schools receiving greater funding.

The Foundation refuses to publish the material these children are provided with and allows people who have seen past tests (which are not released) to “tutor” this group. They go further and claim tuition is not required, yet the test is the easiest to prepare for and it does not require the use of tutors.

Online systems are a low cost solution with WordBuilder and CoolCleverKids providing a total solution coupled with mock tests from the shop.
CEM Centre for Evaluation
& Monitoring® CEM 11+ ® Tests
GL Assessments®
(NFER®) 11+ Selection Tests
  • Practice papers available
  • Kent County Council provides a long familiarisation paper
  • Multiple choice format.
  • No claim that children do not need to prepare or practice or claim test is tutor-proof
  • Similar to tests from CEM Centre for Evaluation & Monitoring®
  • Prepare using WordBuilder & CoolCleverKids
  • Practice mock papers from the shop
11+ Children's Educational
Material Recommendation

English and Verbal Reasoning:

Maths &
Non-verbal Reasoning (NVR):


11+ Practice Papers from
Children’s Educational Material for the 11+
are available from the shop.
Word lists, lesson notes and `Ultimate NVR` questions are available from the shop.

Free material on this website.

11+ Tourism: Free Mock Tests

Under the Greenwich ruling all children, of the appropriate age, have a legal right to take any 11+ exam set by any authority and cannot be denied the opportunity to sit an exam solely on the basis of their address.

The Office of the School Adjudicator (OSA) confirmed the right to use tests as free mocks and the right to take tests late. A Head Teacher of a grammar school has confirmed in writing: `Legally I cannot stop you entering your child for our test.'  Late testing is also a legal right.

Many regions do not have catchment areas. Taking 11+ exams outside home catchments does not prejudice the balance and fairness of the testing, as tests are different. To make such a claim would imply a defunct testing process.

Note: Taking a "free mock" will cost the school money. But one would expect financially astute schools to consider the financial implications of setting an early test date. Common sense dictates an earlier test is likely to be used as a "free mock" and this has been well known to occur for many years. . The University of Durham® object to this strategy when it is a legal right. We cannot image why, as if the test is resistant to prepping, what difference would free mocks make? We believe there is no evidence that any 11+ test is resistant to prepping and practise will simply improve performance.
11+ Past Scores

Qualifying Marks and PAN

2017 entry Aston increased PAN by 20 and unlawfully offered 5 extra Pupil Premium places instead of the highest scores. If your child scored between 221 and 208 and was not offered a place, appeal or initiate action.

2015 entry  (101 pupils displaced by lower scoring Pupil Premium Children).

Past Scores  (King Edward VI Foundation and others)

Under the new admissions policy, the qualifying score for King Edward VI Foundation Schools is 205 and Priority Score is 224.

Birmingham Grammar School PAN
QS 2023
QS 2022
QS 2021
QS 2020
King Edward VI Camp Hill School (boys) 150

Cat 4, 5865m
(Cat 3, 228, 7526m)

Cat 5, 256, 8932m,
(Cat 3, 217, 5429m)
Cat 4, 4353m
(all Cat 2 PP offered,
no offers from Cat 3)
Cat 4, 4775
(all Cat 2 PP offered,
no offers frm Cat 3)
King Edward VI Aston (boys) 140

Cat 5, 216, 5952m
(all PP offered)

Cat 5,213
(all PP offered)
Cat 5, 211, 9752m
(all PP offered)
Cat 5, 213
sibling, 2642m
(all PP offered)
Bishop Vesey's Grammar (boys) 192 228 (all PP offered) 223 (al PP offered) 221 (all PP offered) 223 (all PP offered)
Handsworth Grammar School (boys) 150

Cat 5, 215, 1871m
(all PP offered)

Cat 5, 211, 3506m
(all PP offered)

Cat 5, 210, 9492m
(all PP offered)
Cat 5, 213, 7235m
(all PP offered)
King Edward VI Five Ways (mixed) 180

Cat 5, 256, 5545m
(all PP offered)

Cat 4, 5028m
(Cat 3, 218, 10,375m)
Cat 4, 244, 4810m
(all PP offererd)
Cat 4, 4461m
(all PP offered)
King Edward VI Camp Hill School (girls) 150

Cat 5, 249, 12014m
(all Cat 2 PP offered,
no offers from Cat 3)

Cat 5, 241, 7724m
(Cat 3, 236, 5839m)
Cat 5, 236 6362M
(Cat 3, 218, 13,096m)
Cat 5, 245, 5995m
(Cat 3, 212, 7133m)
Sutton Coldfield Grammar School (girls) 180 222
(all PP offered)
(all PP offered)
(all PP offered)
(207 PP)
King Edward VI Handsworth (girls) 192

Cat 5, 217, 7705m
(all PP offered)

Cat 5, 215, 2603m
(all PP offered)
Cat 5, 212, 2049m
(all PP offered)
Cat 5, 214, 8208m
(all PP offered)

Historic Qualifying scores

Birmingham Grammar School PAN
King Edward VI Camp Hill School (boys) 150
(120 in 2020)
(94 in 2013)

24 PP


204 234 232
King Edward VI Aston (boys) 140
(120 in
2016 and
104 in 2013)

35 PP
220 216 215
Bishop Vesey's Grammar (boys)
(160 in 2018)
(128 in 2017)
(124 in 2013)

219 219 217
217 212 211
Handsworth Grammar School (boys) 150 219 208 208 207 207 203 216 N/A N/A
King Edward VI Five Ways (mixed) 180
(150 in 2013)

36 PP
227 225 227
King Edward VI Camp Hill School (girls) 150
(120 in 2013)


30 PP

229 225 222
Sutton Coldfield Grammar School (girls) 180
(150 2013)

221 218 217 215 215 211
215 210 207
King Edward VI Handsworth (girls) 191
(128 in 2013)



27 PP
216 215 211

PAN = The published admission number.
* Handsworth Grammar School for boys have just joined the Birmingham Consortium and in previous years held a different test.

The figures are the scores on offer day.

Qualifying score shown is the lowest offer made. Some children with this score may not have been offered as multiple children had the same score.

Up to 25% of places for King Edward foundation schools will be reserved for pupil premium children who obtain a lower score than the automatic qualifying score. This is effectively a two tier 11+ scoring system. One for pupil premium and looked after children and one for everyone else and constitutes discrimination against innocent children who have no control on how much their parents earn.

What happens in Birmingham on 11+ Testing day?

On the test day parents can take their children inside school grounds. The children are taken in and settled in by staff and pupils. Parents collect children within school grounds.


Parents are provided with two standardised scores, one for Verbal Reasoning, and one for Non-verbal Reasoning and Maths, which are added together to provide a final age standardised score. The past minimum scores initially required for entry in to each school for the previous two years are provided. In 2012 the age-standardised scores achieved by candidates ranged between 122 and 285. The average age-standardised score of all the test candidates was 200. For 2014 entry, the age standardised scores achieved by candidates ranged between 124-291 and the average age standardised score for all candidates was 200.


The Birmingham 11+ is a highly selective exam, there are no catchment areas and the highest scores win places. Competition is intense, but it pays to qualify for pupil premium as qualified children are provided priority even though their scores can be much lower. They are also effectively tutored free of charge under the guise of an out reach programme, which can include people who have seen past tests (which are not released).

There is a huge tuition culture within the area with parents using private tutors charging between £25 an £50 an hour, as well as group tuition centres, and many use online tuition solutions. Many of these organisations have recreated past 11+ questions by questioning past candidates directly after the tests. These questions are used to prepare children.

Many children start preparation in year 4. Primary school standards vary and many children receive no homework. It is not uncommon for some children to be preparing for up to 2 hours a night during year 5. Preparation is key to success and in maths many questions are far beyond what many children in year 5 have covered and more difficult than Sats level 3-5 papers.

Past papers are not released, but sample questions are available.

2013 issues

Unlawful action by Lawrence Sheriff School in Rugby had a knock on effect to children in Birmingham grammar schools.

Due to the unlawful withdrawal of  a place at Lawrence Sheriff School and and refusal to offer an appeal to an Asian child, the child moved straight to the top of most grammar schools in Birmingham and was offered a place at Bishop Vessey, denying a place to another child. The place was released 3 days after the first term when the child was offered a place at K.E.S. in Stratford-Upon-Avon.


Cambridge University have now withdrawn CEM  paper based 11+ tests. Cambridge spent hundreds of thousands of pounds in legal fees to refuse to answer basic questions including which schools shared the same tests. They answered such questions to a Caucasian women after refusing to answer the same question posed by an Asian man. They were aware of the ethnicity of both.

11+ Maths and NVR

The Maths site with NVR (Non-verbal reasoning) for Sats and 11+ preparation. Ideal for primary school education and selective school exams. Maths lesson notes; worksheets; presentations; games, & tests auto marked with explanations.

11+ English & VR

Verbal reasoning and English for the 11+, Sats and private/independent school entrance exams as well as primary school. Spellings; definitions; meanings; synonyms; antonyms; cloze passages; jumbled sentences & comprehension.

Sats Papers
Year 2-6 & 11+

Information relating to Sats Tests. Free downloads of Sats papers covering Year 2 to 6 with no registration. Prepare for Year 6 level 3-5, level 6 & 11+ tests. Download the latest phonics tests.
ATA React
Free Android App
Google Play

Fun FREE Android App to test your thinking and reaction speed. Four fun games: colours; shapes; numbers and next letter. Stores score history. Ideal for Sats & 11+ fun whilst you prepare. Download from Google Play.


Download FREE SATs papers. No registration & no annoying popup adverts.
11+ English (Verbal Reasoning)
online preparation with

Spellings; Vocabulary; Synonyms; Antomyms; Conundrums; Cloze Passages; Comprehension, and Jumbled up sentences. Ideal for 11+ tests set at the CEM Centre, at Durham University®.
11+ Maths (Numerical Reasoning)
and NVR online preparation with

Free maths question generator
Lesson notes; presentations (videos); worksheets; games; Sats style tests from Year 2 to 6 including mental maths audio tests; private school 11+ tests, and CEM style past questions.
Now includes Non-verbal Reasoning.
Ideal for 11+ tests set at the CEM Centre, at Durham University®.

The 11+ information site
Helping children pass the 11+
Free advice and resources with
recommendations for preparation.

Children’s Educational Material 11+
Tel: +44 (0) 24 7641 6970 
Email: [email protected]
© 2013-2023. CEM11plus.com group of websites. All rights reserved. Children's Educational Material for the 11+. CEM11plus.com group websites provide information helping children pass the eleven plus. CEM Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring® is an independent not-for-profit research group now owned by Cambridge Assessment and Cambridge University Press® and neither are associated with CEM11plus.com group websites. GL Assessment ® has no connection with CEM11plus.com group websites. The views expressed are those of CEM11plus.com. All trade names and trade marks are acknowledged. This website is secured with a SSL certificate provided to the parent group website, CEM11plus.com, and data is encrypted using 256 bit keys & TLS 1.2.